Birthday: March 13th, 1990
Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona
Birthname: Jason Bernard Ryan Jacoby
Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona
Birthname: Jason Bernard Ryan Jacoby
I am a fellow keyboard warrior, just like yourself. Psalm 144:1
Musically, or on a computer screen, I try to use my gifts wisely.
Musically, or on a computer screen, I try to use my gifts wisely.
God is the One who set the stage, created the earth, and gives us a place to race. God gives knowledge on how to build a race car, makes the people who make the race tracks, and leads fans into the grandstands. God is due all credit, and is everyone's Leader, Guider, and soul Provider.
"Love God, love people, and do good instead of evil."
Before I became fully devoted to God, racing was my number one love. Now, I find that Scripture and racing terminology go hand-in-hand. The Bible mentions chariots, walls, the four corners of the earth, etc. Life is merely a play on words, and racing is one of the greatest spectacles God ever created. Every driver was known before they won their final race, and every conversation with every fan was already planned. God knows what will be tomorrow, the next day, and the outcome of every race--all of us are only second place. Even on a race track, there are no accidents, because nothing can go outside of the walls God has set for us. Whether virtual or real, everything is part of the package deal.
While music was second to my love of racing, it was still first-place to many of my friends. Even though I consumed racing (eating, sleeping, and breathing it), my mother preferred the sound of piano over the sound of race engines.
For most of our lives, she and I could never see eye-to-eye, but her dream for me to become a musician was planted before I was ever birthed. During her time as an on-air radio personality, she was granted a sponsorship deal on a Baldwin upright piano. More than 30 years later, she claims the angels are with me when I play.
This is an extremely hot topic for me. Throughout my schooling, I was plagued with bullies (some classmates, and some teachers). There was often a stuffy "you can't do that!" environment and attitude under the rulership of most teachers, and nothing useful was ever learned. School is the place to waste your childhood and teens by sitting down in a desk, while classmates often talk about drugs and sex.
Many teachers’ degrees are just worthless pieces of paper, unfortunately warranting the depressing reality of child slavery via unbeneficial classroom confinement.
This also goes back to "education." Not only are children taught to be sedentary while inhaling tiresome subjects, but the most important knowledge a human being can have is often overlooked. All people should be raised to “live long and be strong,” with nutrition and exercise being the key ingredients to life and its future generations. To the detriment of our health and long-term life, fast food places are open on so many city corners. Though we should not have to be taught to say “no” to things that should not exist, governments allow unhealthy products to be advertised and consumed by the masses. They do not push to educate and mandate healthy living, and therefore destroy the people they are supposed to be “serving.”
As for me, fast food was a lifelong addiction that God only broke recently. Healthy eating and exercise is my new lifelong habit, and I wish everyone knew how good it is.
Though there is a Grand Artist and Author, many of us He has put here have often written songs and poems about how we've been misunderstood.
I was often “labeled disabled” by those who lacked insight—for more background, please read my poem entitled “School.”
In society, however, some of the most influential people are the ones who never fit in.
Throughout life’s various experiences, my heart has been quite often hardened and softened.
At 17, I was in the prime of my life. Racing, digital artwork (painting), video editing, and many other gifts were being worked up in me. I loved the people I raced with as much as I could, and showed respect as much as possible. When God first revealed Himself (I had been broken and suicidal all while climbing the racing ladder), I experienced an extremely powerful transformation.
I took some extremely hard spiritual blows in the offline world, and lost all my wits and ways of success. My inspiration to create and help others was quenched by a force other than my own.
Instead, I constantly made a fool of myself amongst all of my respected peers while trying to pick up the pieces.
We only see things when we're supposed to, and our veils have not yet been lifted.
But I know that God is real, because it is He Who made us gifted.
Isaiah 45:7
"I create the light and make the darkness.
I make peace, and I create evil.
I, The LORD, do ALL these things."
We all see eventually that there is a Purpose to our race.
- When enough dots are connected...
- When enough pieces of the puzzle are put together...
- When enough laps are run...
- When enough of the song has been composed...
- When almost all of the video has been produced...
- When enough rain has poured, and...
- When it all lines up and works together...
We see that we all have our connections for a reason. If you've ever grown up and had a poster in your room, the chances are you met the "idol" in that photo.
Though we're only "dust in the wind," God created all of us, and He uses each of us as He pleases.
We come to see that we looked up to people for a reason (God gives favor, and bestows a crown upon each person), and that all of us are connections on the road that leads to Salvation.